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Il Carro_Tarot_by_Malleus
La Giustizia by Malleus
L'eremita by Malleus
La Ruota by Malleus
Major Arcana by Malleus

IL MATTO (The Fool)

Il Matto (The Fool) represents the beginning of the journey through the Major Arcana.
The number that this tarot represents is 0 (from the Arabic “sifr” which means “emptiness”), the cardinal number, neither positive nor negative, which appeared in Europe in the 13th century and can be identified with the absence of everything.
It is fundamental because it’s a combination of all that exists.
Number 0 is related to infinity and represents the beginning of a spiritual journey or a new phase of existence.

Il Matto makes our personal journey manifest: it represents freedom, adventure but also madness and unawareness.
Il Matto has boundless energy, he walks without realizing the cliff, protected by the dog, the spirit guide who defends his unconscious, and shows him the way, saving him from the abyss.
He has no experience yet and is therefore guided by his intuition.
His hair forms an endless spiral like the journey he is on.
The Fool symbolizes the potential we can express: it can be recklessness, running away from difficulties and the inability to use reason as well as the idea that life can become a very favorable journey for us.


Numbered Edition
of 93 Pieces
on 320 GR Ivory paper.
Size cm 42 x 69,5
(Inches 16,53 x 27,35)
Tarot printed
on one side.
Numbered and
signed on front.
on the back.



Numbered Edition
of 33 Pieces
on 300 gr. cotton paper.
Size cm 42 x 69,5
(Inches 16,53 x 27,35)
Tarot printed
on both sides.
Numbered and
signed on front.
Back tarot card
printed on the back.



Numbered Edition
of 13 Pieces
on 340 gr metallic paper.
Size cm 42 x 69,5
(Inches 16,53 x 27,35)
Tarot printed
on both sides.
Numbered and
signed on front.
Back tarot card
printed on the back.


IL BAGATTO (The Magician)

Il BAGATTO is the second print of the series dedicated to the Tarot’s Major Arcana called “Arcani Maggiori”.
After the unaware pure energy of “Il Matto”, we are here with “Il Bagatto” (The Magician) who, unlike the first card, embodies conscious energy.
The Magician indicates a beginning, like the number that represents it.
The number 1 indicates Totality, it is a divine expression.
“One” is the number that symbolizes the birth of an idea and “Il Bagatto” has the energy and all the tools to start creating.

Depending on the tarot decks, this card has different interpretations.
Some define this card as a charlatan, a conjurer, a crook.
Others see “Il Bagatto” as a Magician, a Craftsman intent on creating.
We wanted to follow this second vision, we see the Magician as the one who transforms wishes into reality.
Il Bagatto‘s hands, holding the symbol of Perfection, control the forces of Nature, which through transcendental magic can be invoked from Heaven and guided towards the Earth.
In the background, among the 4 elements, the snake, embodying the energy of transformation, becomes the symbol of infinity as a representation of eternal immortality.
Il Bagatto‘s necklace incorporates the magician’s tools into a single pendant.


Numbered Edition
of 93 Pieces
on 320 GR Ivory paper.
Size cm 42 x 69,5
(Inches 16,53 x 27,35)
Tarot printed
on one side.
Numbered and
signed on front.
on the back.



Numbered Edition
of 33 Pieces
on 300 gr. cotton paper.
Size cm 42 x 69,5
(Inches 16,53 x 27,35)
Tarot printed
on both sides.
Numbered and
signed on front.
Back tarot card
printed on the back.



Numbered Edition
of 13 Pieces
on 340 gr metallic paper.
Size cm 42 x 69,5
(Inches 16,53 x 27,35)
Tarot printed
on both sides.
Numbered and
signed on front.
Back tarot card
printed on the back.


LA PAPESSA (The High Priestess)

The second card of “Arcani Maggiori”, third print of the project dedicated to the Major Arcana, is La Papessa, the High Priestess: she who knows, but who only partially reveals her knowledge.
This card represents the power of intuition and occult knowledge.
Her power comes from the Moon and Water, her wisdom allows her to see hidden things and foresee the future.

The cloak she wears symbolizes knowledge, while the two columns on her sides, as well as the number 2 of the card, represent duality (life and death, good and evil).
The two letters B-J, present in the classic “Rider Waite” tarots, are the initials of Boaz and Jakin, the two columns of Solomon’s temple: they symbolize strength and justice, principles of wisdom.

The crescent moon is femininity, clairvoyance, intuition.
It is also a religious symbol, often associated with the Virgin Mary, the Great Mother or the Egyptian goddess Isis


Numbered Edition
of 93 Pieces
on 320 GR Ivory paper.
Size cm 42 x 69,5
(Inches 16,53 x 27,35)
Tarot printed
on one side.
Numbered and
signed on front.
on the back.



Numbered Edition
of 33 Pieces
on 300 gr. cotton paper.
Size cm 42 x 69,5
(Inches 16,53 x 27,35)
Tarot printed
on both sides.
Numbered and
signed on front.
Back tarot card
printed on the back.



Numbered Edition
of 13 Pieces
on 340 gr metallic paper.
Size cm 42 x 69,5
(Inches 16,53 x 27,35)
Tarot printed
on both sides.
Numbered and
signed on front.
Back tarot card
printed on the back.



L’Imperatrice” (the Empress) is the third card of the Major Arcana.
She is  a strong woman, aware of her power, bearer of abundance and symbol of intelligence. 

The number of the card is 3 which symbolizes creativity as an expression and development of the intellect, emitting a profound energy that develops and fulfills itself in a lively, constructive and passionate way.
Three arises from the conjunction of the innovative strength of the number ONE with that of the development capacity of the number TWO and overcomes the partial and reductive vision of dualism, because two elements can only be reconciled with the help of a third element.
Three is a flowing energy that stimulates and guides the imagination.
The geometric expression of the number 3 is the triangle, representation of the conjunction of the multiple to the unity: two points in space unite and assemble to a single place higher up, like the points of the crown of the Empress.

We imagined “L’Imperatrice” as the first woman, she is Eve.
Her throne, forming two wings behind her, is the sky that detaches from her hair in which the stars shine.
She holds a scepter from whose central stone, to symbolize the strength of this creature, the light of knowledge expands.
In the other hand she holds a shield with an eagle, representing the self-affirmation of her personality, the desire for exaltation, the search for power and responsible wisdom.
L’Imperatrice, with her impassive gaze, is the one who, with her great abilities and her stubborn will, is able to give life to all things.
Her crown has 7 points and her body is tattooed with red lines that amplify her power.
Even her dress is adorned with stones and symbols, despite her beauty and sophistication, the Empress has a strong spirit, she has strength and power.


Numbered Edition
of 93 Pieces
on 320 GR Ivory paper.
Size cm 42 x 69,5
(Inches 16,53 x 27,35)
Tarot printed
on one side.
Numbered and
signed on front.
on the back.



Numbered Edition
of 33 Pieces
on 300 gr. cotton paper.
Size cm 42 x 69,5
(Inches 16,53 x 27,35)
Tarot printed
on both sides.
Numbered and
signed on front.
Back tarot card
printed on the back.



Numbered Edition
of 13 Pieces
on 340 gr metallic paper.
Size cm 42 x 69,5
(Inches 16,53 x 27,35)
Tarot printed
on both sides.
Numbered and
signed on front.
Back tarot card
printed on the back.


Malleus - Major Arcana - L'imperatrice

L’IMPERATORE (The Emperor)

L’Imperatore (The Emperor) is the fourth card of the Arcani Maggiori.
Four is the number that symbolizes the physical world, it is a practical and material number and whoever owns it is orderly and meticulous and practical.
It represents concreteness, practical sense, the ability to develop our ideas understood in the tangible world.
Thus, L’Imperatore is the symbol of stability and authority.
At first glance it may seem like the male transposition of l’Imperatrice (the Empress), but it is only figuratively so, because the energy it emanates is totally different.
He is the one who realizes the creativity of the Empress.
L’Imperatore appears, like L’Imperatrice (the Empress), in three-quarter view, mirroring the previous card.
In his hand he holds the sword which, above the handle in the shape of a goat’s skull, encloses the sphere of command, a globe which recalls both his earthly power and his justice in exercising it: the Emperor’s power is absolute, it’s a universal dominion tending towards a return to unity.
Behind him, on a shield, unfolds the coat of arms of the heraldic eagle.
The right hand holds the sword, while the left side of him (the one linked to emotions, feelings, intuitions) is almost hidden, ready to carry the shield with the eagle which represents pride, courage and royalty.

With l’Imperatore, our deepest self, after having managed to create with the help of the Empress, pauses to reflect on what has been created. It is the secret of greatness, luxury and respect.
L’Imperatore, self-confident, authoritarian, powerful and irrepressible, wears an armor similar to a samurai and a helmet with goat horns to represent his will to dominate all the others, aware of his strength and of his power, albeit for the good of all.


Numbered Edition
of 93 Pieces
on 320 GR Ivory paper.
Size cm 42 x 69,5
(Inches 16,53 x 27,35)
Tarot printed
on one side.
Numbered and
signed on front.
on the back.



Numbered Edition
of 33 Pieces
on 300 gr. cotton paper.
Size cm 42 x 69,5
(Inches 16,53 x 27,35)
Tarot printed
on both sides.
Numbered and
signed on front.
Back tarot card
printed on the back.



Numbered Edition
of 13 Pieces
on 340 gr metallic paper.
Size cm 42 x 69,5
(Inches 16,53 x 27,35)
Tarot printed
on both sides.
Numbered and
signed on front.
Back tarot card
printed on the back.



Lo Ierofante” (“The Pope”) is the sixth print of the Arcani Maggiori project.
The word “IEROFANTE”comes from the Greek and means “the one who can explain sacred things”.
5 is the number of the card and it represents freedom, change, instability and curiosity, it suggests movement and challenges.
Number Five is constantly looking for a balance.
It’s an opportunity to embrace change.

Lo Ierofante is therefore a teacher, mentor or spiritual adviser.
His role is to perform sacred rites that pass on traditional wisdom to the next generation.
Lo Ierofante is a symbol of observance of the commandments, obedience to established rules.
The card depicts a mystical figure standing between two black columns, same as La Papessa.
His hand is raised in blessing, as for the Magician.
Other symbols link the two cards: the magic triangle, symbol of perfection and the snake (which also envelops the Popess), image of transformation.

He carries a long scepter with a triple cross and wears a tiara which symbolize the sacredness of the tarot figure.
He wears a red and blue tunic open on the magic triangle that encloses the universe.
His blessing ascends to a sacred world, and upon reaching his destination it is divinely transformed into a blessing that descends from above.
Prayer is a request to connect with Spirit.

The blessing comes as a gift emanating from God and the multidimensional realms, and provides grace, enlightenment, peace, love, consolation, or whatever is appropriate to the type of prayer employed
It is unconditional and requires only a willingness to receive it.
This is why Lo Ierofante represents loyalty, frankness and respect for others.


Numbered Edition
of 93 Pieces
on 320 GR Ivory paper.
Size cm 42 x 69,5
(Inches 16,53 x 27,35)
Tarot printed
on one side.
Numbered and
signed on front.
on the back.



Numbered Edition
of 33 Pieces
on 300 gr. cotton paper.
Size cm 42 x 69,5
(Inches 16,53 x 27,35)
Tarot printed
on both sides.
Numbered and
signed on front.
Back tarot card
printed on the back.



Numbered Edition
of 13 Pieces
on 340 gr metallic paper.
Size cm 42 x 69,5
(Inches 16,53 x 27,35)
Tarot printed
on both sides.
Numbered and
signed on front.
Back tarot card
printed on the back.


Gli Amanti by Malleus

GLI AMANTI (The Lovers)

Gli amanti” (“The Lovers”) is the seventh print of the Arcani Maggiori project.
This tarots’s card represents relationships and choices, depicting unconditional love and the twin flame.

Gli Amanti is associated with the star sign Gemini, and indeed is also known as “The Twins” in some decks.
The card stands for utmost connection, harmony, love, and attraction.

The Malleus print depicts two women divided by a white arrow, embracing and mirroring each other, protected and blessed by the symbol of an angel above and representing both bodily and emotional well-being.
A serpent refers to the Garden of Eden, remembering humanity’s fall into temptation and into the realm of flesh and sensuality.
It is a card of balance and harmony, the symbolization of grand and cosmic union between two opposing forces.

Gli Amanti means love, relationships, harmony, values alignment, choices, promising partnership, passion, physical attraction, stronger connection, soulmates but also disharmonious relationship, trust issues, detachment, broken promises, emotional disconnection, cold, conflicts between two people, impulsive choices.


Numbered Edition
of 93 Pieces
on 320 GR Ivory paper.
Size cm 42 x 69,5
(Inches 16,53 x 27,35)
Tarot printed
on one side.
Numbered and
signed on front.
on the back.



Numbered Edition
of 33 Pieces
on 300 gr. cotton paper.
Size cm 42 x 69,5
(Inches 16,53 x 27,35)
Tarot printed
on both sides.
Numbered and
signed on front.
Back tarot card
printed on the back.



Numbered Edition
of 13 Pieces
on 340 gr metallic paper.
Size cm 42 x 69,5
(Inches 16,53 x 27,35)
Tarot printed
on both sides.
Numbered and
signed on front.
Back tarot card
printed on the back.


IL CARRO (The Chariot)

Il Carro” (“The Chariot”) is the 8th print of the Arcani Maggiori project.
Il Carro is a powerful tarot card symbolizing victory, control, and self-mastery.
It represents a journey towards success, driven by determination and focused ambition.
The card portrays a female charioteer holding the reins of two opposing sphinxes, a dark one and a clear one, representing the individual’s ability to balance opposing forces and overcome challenges.

The design showcases a chariot driven by a woman adorned with symbols, emphasizing the importance of aligning one’s actions with the cosmic energies.
She holds a long scepter with a star on top, which together with the moon and sun that adorn her ears, symbolize the cosmic power of the card.

The number 7  of the card holds various symbolic meanings.
In numerology, 7 is associated with hidden knowledge, introspection, and spiritual awakening.
It is considered a lucky number, often linked to good fortune and positive outcomes.
n religion, 7 is significant in many belief systems, such as the seven deadly sins and seven virtues in Christianity.
Additionally, there are seven colors in a rainbow and seven days in a week, emphasizing the ubiquitous presence of this mystical number in our daily lives.

Il Carro urges us to harness our willpower, embrace change, and steer our lives in the desired direction, using both our inner strength and external resources.


Numbered Edition
of 93 Pieces
on 320 GR Ivory paper.
Size cm 42 x 69,5
(Inches 16,53 x 27,35)
Tarot printed
on one side.
Numbered and
signed on front.
on the back.



Numbered Edition
of 33 Pieces
on 300 gr. cotton paper.
Size cm 42 x 69,5
(Inches 16,53 x 27,35)
Tarot printed
on both sides.
Numbered and
signed on front.
Back tarot card
printed on the back.



Numbered Edition
of 13 Pieces
on 340 gr metallic paper.
Size cm 42 x 69,5
(Inches 16,53 x 27,35)
Tarot printed
on both sides.
Numbered and
signed on front.
Back tarot card
printed on the back.


Il Carro by Malleus
La Giustizia by Malleus

LA GIUSTIZIA (The Justice)

La Giustizia (The Justice) is the eighth Major Arcana.

Number 8 is often seen as the symbol of cosmic balance, it’s not just a number, but holds deeper meanings too.
It represents wisdom, inner strength, and balance.
The number 8 is also associated with infinite love, limitless energy, and abundance.
It symbolizes self-confidence, success, wisdom, and compassion.

Balancing gracefully on a tightrope, La Giustizia wields the sword of fate in one hand and the scales of equity in the other.
La Giustizia embodies harmony, virtue, and honor, standing alongside Strength and Temperance in the cycle of Virtues.

She represents the delicate balance of good and evil, maintaining the universal equilibrium.
Through her scales, she achieves perfect balance through a constant internal struggle.
Just like an empress who traded her scepter and shield for a sword and scales, Justice serves as the supreme law of the cosmos.

La Giustizia impartially returns what has been sown – good for good, and bad for bad – weaving a karmic tapestry.


Numbered Edition
of 93 Pieces
on 320 GR Ivory paper.
Size cm 42 x 69,5
(Inches 16,53 x 27,35)
Tarot printed
on one side.
Numbered and
signed on front.
on the back.



Numbered Edition
of 33 Pieces
on 300 gr. cotton paper.
Size cm 42 x 69,5
(Inches 16,53 x 27,35)
Tarot printed
on both sides.
Numbered and
signed on front.
Back tarot card
printed on the back.



Numbered Edition
of 13 Pieces
on 340 gr metallic paper.
Size cm 42 x 69,5
(Inches 16,53 x 27,35)
Tarot printed
on both sides.
Numbered and
signed on front.
Back tarot card
printed on the back.


L’Eremita (The Hermit)

L’Eremita (The Hermit) is the ninth Major Arcana
The number 9 is the ultimate symbol of perfection and consciousness.
It encompasses the energies of the numbers that came before it, making it incredibly significant in numerology.
Known as the number of spiritual awakening, love, and karma, it brings a sense of completeness and fulfillment that we’ve worked so hard to achieve.

L’Eremita represents a profound sense of detachment from societal norms and clichés.
This enigmatic figure stands amidst darkness and solitude, symbolizing the pursuit of true knowledge.
The path before him, in the shape of a snake, signifies an introspective journey of self-discovery.
In his right hand, the hermit holds the primordial flame, representing the symbiosis between humanity and the divine.
This flame illuminates our ability to focus and understand, guiding us towards enlightenment.

Cloaked to protect his inner light, L’Eremita embodies the call for solitude and introspection on our individual journeys.


Numbered Edition
of 93 Pieces
on 320 GR Ivory paper.
Size cm 42 x 69,5
(Inches 16,53 x 27,35)
Tarot printed
on one side.
Numbered and
signed on front.
on the back.



Numbered Edition
of 33 Pieces
on 300 gr. cotton paper.
Size cm 42 x 69,5
(Inches 16,53 x 27,35)
Tarot printed
on both sides.
Numbered and
signed on front.
Back tarot card
printed on the back.



Numbered Edition
of 13 Pieces
on 340 gr metallic paper.
Size cm 42 x 69,5
(Inches 16,53 x 27,35)
Tarot printed
on both sides.
Numbered and
signed on front.
Back tarot card
printed on the back.


L'eremita by Malleus

LA RUOTA (The Wheel)

La Ruota (The Wheel) is the 10th Major Arcana.
Number 10 holds plenty of meanings.
When we break it down, 10 becomes 1+0, which symbolizes eternal starting over.
It’s interesting how the number one represents new beginnings and success, while zero is associated with universal energies and spirituality.
So, when these two numbers come together, the number 10 becomes a symbol of perfection and cancellation.
It encompasses all the principles expressed by the numbers 1 to 9, making it divine and representing fulfillment and final realization.
It’s like the ultimate unity of all possibilities!
The number 10 is often referred to as Heaven, highlighting both perfection and the dissolution of all things.

La Ruota holds a significant and intriguing meaning.
As we gaze upon the card, we see a wheel suspended in the air, adorned with the letters T A R O and alchemical symbols.
The sphinx’s watchful eyes guide us, while a female creature longs to touch the wheel.
A snake looks downward on the left of the wheel and a wolf howls on the right side.
This card embodies the essence of fate, the delicate balance of life, and the ever-changing tides of destiny.
La Ruota reminds us that everything evolves, what’s high may fall, and viceversa.
La Ruota teaches us to embrace the ever-turning wheel of life and have faith in the greater cosmic plan.


Numbered Edition
of 93 Pieces
on 320 GR Ivory paper.
Size cm 42 x 69,5
(Inches 16,53 x 27,35)
Tarot printed
on one side.
Numbered and
signed on front.
on the back.



Numbered Edition
of 33 Pieces
on 300 gr. cotton paper.
Size cm 42 x 69,5
(Inches 16,53 x 27,35)
Tarot printed
on both sides.
Numbered and
signed on front.
Back tarot card
printed on the back.



Numbered Edition
of 13 Pieces
on 340 gr metallic paper.
Size cm 42 x 69,5
(Inches 16,53 x 27,35)
Tarot printed
on both sides.
Numbered and
signed on front.
Back tarot card
printed on the back.



La Forza (The Strength) is the XI Major Arcana card in tarot, symbolizing courage, inner strength, and resilience.
The number eleven, or double 1, symbolizes wisdom, intuition and complete balance between body and mind.
We depicted La Forza as a woman lying down and a dragon emerging from her back, like a tattoo arising as the inner power of the woman.

In this depiction, the woman represents humanity and the vulnerability of the physical form. Her position suggests a moment of rest or surrender, perhaps indicating a willingness to confront inner demons or face challenges head-on.
The presence of the dragon, emerging from her back, adds layers of symbolism.
Dragons traditionally represent power, wisdom, and primal energy.
Here, it could signify the latent strength and untapped potential residing within the human spirit.

The interaction between the woman and the dragon speaks to a profound symbiosis between human and otherworldly energies.
Rather than being separate entities, they are intimately connected, suggesting a harmonious balance between the raw, instinctual nature of the dragon and the more refined aspects of human consciousness.

La Forza, in this context, is not about brute force or domination but about the courage to confront one’s fears and the resilience to endure challenges with grace and determination. It’s a reminder that true strength often lies not in overpowering others but in mastering oneself.

Overall, this depiction of La Forza invites reflection on the interplay between vulnerability and power, the union of human and divine, and the transformative potential that lies within each of us. It encourages embracing one’s inner fire and harnessing it to overcome obstacles on the path to self-realization and growth.—


Numbered Edition
of 93 Pieces
on 320 GR Ivory paper.
Size cm 42 x 69,5
(Inches 16,53 x 27,35)
Tarot printed
on one side.
Numbered and
signed on front.
on the back.



Numbered Edition
of 33 Pieces
on 300 gr. cotton paper.
Size cm 42 x 69,5
(Inches 16,53 x 27,35)
Tarot printed
on both sides.
Numbered and
signed on front.
Back tarot card
printed on the back.



Numbered Edition
of 13 Pieces
on 340 gr metallic paper.
Size cm 42 x 69,5
(Inches 16,53 x 27,35)
Tarot printed
on both sides.
Numbered and
signed on front.
Back tarot card
printed on the back.


Major Arcana by Malleus

L’APPESO (The Hanged Man)

L’Appeso (The Hanged Man) is the twelfth card in the Major Arcana.
This captivating card is full of symbolism, representing suspension, surrender, and the imperative need for a new perspective in life.
12 holds a special significance in many aspects of our lives.
It’s the number of full moons we see in a solar year, giving us the twelve months in our calendar. It’s also reflected in the twelve signs of the Western, Islamic, and Chinese zodiacs, guiding us in astrology.
On a bigger scale, Jupiter takes twelve years to complete its majestic journey around the Sun.
12 has also deep roots in religious, mythological, and magical symbolism.
It often stands for perfection, completeness, or cosmic order, resonating through various traditions since ancient times.

L’Appeso reminds us that sometimes we must pause, take control of what’s surrounding us, and trust the process to gain profound insights and wisdom.
In our print, L’Appeso is depicted as a woman wrapped in a cocoon, ready to transform into a butterfly.
This powerful imagery layers the card with deeper meaning, symbolizing metamorphosis, rebirth, and the exquisite beauty that emerges from periods of stillness and introspection.
L’Appeso invites us to embrace stillness and new perspectives for personal growth and enlightenment.
It encourages letting go, accepting the present moment, and viewing situations from different angles to gain deeper insights.


Numbered Edition
of 93 Pieces
on 320 GR Ivory paper.
Size cm 42 x 69,5
(Inches 16,53 x 27,35)
Tarot printed
on one side.
Numbered and
signed on front.
on the back.



Numbered Edition
of 33 Pieces
on 300 gr. cotton paper.
Size cm 42 x 69,5
(Inches 16,53 x 27,35)
Tarot printed
on both sides.
Numbered and
signed on front.
Back tarot card
printed on the back.



Numbered Edition
of 13 Pieces
on 340 gr metallic paper.
Size cm 42 x 69,5
(Inches 16,53 x 27,35)
Tarot printed
on both sides.
Numbered and
signed on front.
Back tarot card
printed on the back.



In our tarot, “La Morte” appears facing forward, holding a disc that represents the sun.
A crown, blending day and night, adorns its head, and its eyes are empty.
Angelic wings remind us that Death is a part of our life, while a glowing scythe cuts through the darkness surrounding her.

Also known as the Nameless Arcana, this card is not explicitly labeled with “Death” in many traditional Tarot decks, emphasizing that its meaning goes beyond physical death. It represents profound change, transformation, and renewal. The absence of a name is symbolic—reminding us that the experience of change, though often challenging, is universal and timeless.

The card is numbered XIII (13), a number that has often been associated with mystery and superstition. In Tarot, however, 13 carries a more profound meaning—it marks the end of a cycle and the beginning of a new one. Like the figure depicted in this print, it urges us to accept inevitable changes and see them as an opportunity for personal growth and evolution.

This piece, part of the Arcani Maggiori collection, invites viewers to embrace the transformative power of the Nameless Arcana, reflecting on the cyclical nature of life, death, and rebirth.


Numbered Edition
of 93 Pieces
on 320 GR Ivory paper.
Size cm 42 x 69,5
(Inches 16,53 x 27,35)
Tarot printed
on one side.
Numbered and
signed on front.
on the back.



Numbered Edition
of 33 Pieces
on 300 gr. cotton paper.
Size cm 42 x 69,5
(Inches 16,53 x 27,35)
Tarot printed
on both sides.
Numbered and
signed on front.
Back tarot card
printed on the back.



Numbered Edition
of 13 Pieces
on 340 gr metallic paper.
Size cm 42 x 69,5
(Inches 16,53 x 27,35)
Tarot printed
on both sides.
Numbered and
signed on front.
Back tarot card
printed on the back.


LA TEMPERANZA (The Temperance)

La Temperanza (Temperance) is the 14th card of the Major Arcana.
In our tarot, the figure at the center represents the power of transformation and healing.
Her serene yet commanding expression symbolizes inner strength and the mastery of balance in the face of opposing forces.

The geometric motifs radiating from her head highlight the concept of divine harmony, while the flowing blue waterfall connects the celestial and earthly realms, representing purification, renewal, and the continuous flow of life. Contrasting colors, like deep reds and luminous blues, create a visual tension that mirrors the deeper meanings of this card: unity through the blending of opposites.

The number 14 embodies balance and harmony, often connected to the integration of dualities. In numerology, 1 represents initiative and individuality, while 4 signifies stability and a solid foundation; together, they reflect the dynamic tension of temperance—an equilibrium achieved through careful moderation and the blending of contrasting elements. This numeric symbolism reinforces the core message of the Temperance card: the ongoing process of finding harmony within ourselves and the world.

In traditional tarot imagery, Temperance is often depicted as an angel pouring liquid between two chalices, signifying the alchemical act of blending opposing forces. This imagery represents the transformative power of balance and the divine guidance involved in maintaining it. Our interpretation reimagines this archetype with modern visual elements, emphasizing the timeless relevance of moderation, self-control, and the blending of energies.

Temperance holds a special place in the tarot as a guide for cultivating inner peace and a reminder that harmony is not static but an ever-evolving state.


Numbered Edition
of 93 Pieces
on 320 GR Ivory paper.
Size cm 42 x 69,5
(Inches 16,53 x 27,35)
Tarot printed
on one side.
Numbered and
signed on front.
on the back.



Numbered Edition
of 33 Pieces
on 300 gr. cotton paper.
Size cm 42 x 69,5
(Inches 16,53 x 27,35)
Tarot printed
on both sides.
Numbered and
signed on front.
Back tarot card
printed on the back.



Numbered Edition
of 13 Pieces
on 340 gr metallic paper.
Size cm 42 x 69,5
(Inches 16,53 x 27,35)
Tarot printed
on both sides.
Numbered and
signed on front.
Back tarot card
printed on the back.



“Il Diavolo” (The Devil) is the 15th card of the Major Arcana, a profound and evocative tarot card, embodying themes that delve deep into the human psyche and spiritual experience.

In numerology, 15 reduces to 6 (1+5), a number often associated with harmony and balance but here twisted to explore imbalance, obsession, and the shadow side of human desires. The reduction to 6 suggests an inversion of harmony, reflecting imbalance, obsession, or indulgence in destructive patterns. It highlights the tension between potential harmony and the chaos that arises when shadow aspects are left unexamined.

In tarot, “Il Diavolo” (The Devil) is a card rich in complex and provocative symbolism, representing themes of temptation, attachment, and the darker aspects of human nature. Its meaning can vary depending on the context of a reading, but it often serves as a reminder to confront the shadow side of the psyche and examine the ways in which we may be chained to unhealthy patterns or desires.

The central figure, a woman with flowing crimson hair and piercing blue eyes, represents temptation and the allure of forbidden pleasures.
Her hair’s flowing nature suggests freedom, yet it contrasts with the underlying theme of entrapment.
She holds a red apple, a timeless symbol of knowledge and transgression, with a single drop of blood evoking the cost of indulgence.

This subtle yet striking detail suggests the personal cost of surrendering to temptation, pain, loss, or transformation through suffering.

Behind her, the looming demonic figure embodies primal instincts, fear, and the forces that enslave the soul. Its horns and glowing eyes reinforce the presence of darker, untamed energies, while the clawed hand reaching over her hints at manipulation and dominance.
Fire, a transformative force, symbolizes both destruction and renewal, emphasizing the card’s message of confronting one’s shadow self to seek liberation.
At its core, “Il Diavolo” explores the magnetic pull of forbidden pleasures and the cost of surrendering to them.
The chains that bind us are often of our own making, rooted in fear, guilt, or attachment.

The card is an invitation to confront and integrate the shadow self, acknowledging the parts of ourselves we may fear or reject.
By shining a light on hidden aspects of the psyche, the potential for growth and liberation becomes possible.


Numbered Edition
of 93 Pieces
on 320 GR Ivory paper.
Size cm 42 x 69,5
(Inches 16,53 x 27,35)
Tarot printed
on one side.
Numbered and
signed on front.
on the back.



Numbered Edition
of 33 Pieces
on 300 gr. cotton paper.
Size cm 42 x 69,5
(Inches 16,53 x 27,35)
Tarot printed
on both sides.
Numbered and
signed on front.
Back tarot card
printed on the back.



Numbered Edition
of 13 Pieces
on 340 gr metallic paper.
Size cm 42 x 69,5
(Inches 16,53 x 27,35)
Tarot printed
on both sides.
Numbered and
signed on front.
Back tarot card
printed on the back.


LA TORRE (The Tower)

La Torre (The Tower) is the 16th card of the Major Arcana

The number 16 can be seen as a combination of 1 (beginnings, power, will) and 6 (harmony, balance, responsibility), suggesting that the destruction brought by The Tower is not an end in itself but a necessary step toward new awareness.

In numerology, 16 is often associated with the fall of the ego and the revelation of truth, perfectly aligning with La Torre’s message: the breaking down of illusions and unstable structures to pave the way for authentic growth.

The central figure is a powerful goddess-like entity with long, flowing red hair, holding lightning bolts in both hands. Her intense gaze and commanding presence suggest she is the force behind the destruction rather than a victim of it.
She wears a striking golden headdress adorned with spikes and an intricate face motif, further emphasizing her divine or supernatural nature.

Instead of a separate collapsing tower, the lower half of her body is the tower itself, resembling the architecture of the Tower of Babel or an ancient fortress.
This visual metaphor reinforces the idea that destruction and transformation are inherent within the figure she embodies both the force of chaos and the structure being undone.

The background is filled with dramatic contrasts: a black sunburst, swirling blue clouds, and thick white mist at the bottom, creating a sense of turbulence and upheaval. The lightning bolts crackling from her hands symbolize sudden, unavoidable change, a hallmark of La Torre card’s meaning.

This artwork brings a fresh, almost mythological interpretation to La Torre, depicting destruction as an act of divine will, pushing toward enlightenment and renewal.


Numbered Edition
of 93 Pieces
on 320 GR Ivory paper.
Size cm 42 x 69,5
(Inches 16,53 x 27,35)
Tarot printed
on one side.
Numbered and
signed on front.
on the back.



Numbered Edition
of 33 Pieces
on 300 gr. cotton paper.
Size cm 42 x 69,5
(Inches 16,53 x 27,35)
Tarot printed
on both sides.
Numbered and
signed on front.
Back tarot card
printed on the back.



Numbered Edition
of 13 Pieces
on 340 gr metallic paper.
Size cm 42 x 69,5
(Inches 16,53 x 27,35)
Tarot printed
on both sides.
Numbered and
signed on front.
Back tarot card
printed on the back.



La Stella (The Star) is the 17th card of the Major Arcana serie.
The number 17 combines 1 (new beginnings, individuality, creation) and 7 (spiritual wisdom, intuition, enlightenment), reinforcing La Stella’s theme of divine guidance and inner clarity. It represents hope, renewal, and a new path illuminated by cosmic forces.
In numerology, 17 is often linked to inspiration, destiny, and higher consciousness. When reduced (1 + 7 = 8), it connects to the number 8, symbolizing strength, balance, and infinite potential—suggesting that The Star is not just a fleeting light, but a powerful force of spiritual alignment and purpose.

At the center stands a striking woman with an ethereal presence, draped in flowing blue fabric that merges with the water below. Her dress and posture evoke the traditional imagery of La Stella, symbolizing serenity, healing, and connection to the universe.
Her head is crowned by a massive golden star, with additional stars radiating around her, reinforcing the celestial and divine nature of the card.

Her arms are gracefully outstretched as she pours water from her hands: one stream nourishing the earth, restoring its vitality, while the other flows onto dry land in five rivulets, symbolizing the five senses.

The background features an intense red sky with fluid, wave-like white lines, contrasting with the calm blues of her dress and the water. This stark contrast enhances the card’s theme of balance, representing a moment of peace amid cosmic forces.

The woman’s gaze is serene yet intense, adorned with elaborate jewelry that suggests wisdom and divine energy.
Standing with one foot in the water and one on land, she embodies the harmony between the material and spiritual realms.

This interpretation of La Stella is both majestic and deeply symbolic, emphasizing inner guidance, clarity, and the promise of renewal after chaos.


Numbered Edition
of 93 Pieces
on 320 GR Ivory paper.
Size cm 42 x 69,5
(Inches 16,53 x 27,35)
Tarot printed
on one side.
Numbered and
signed on front.
on the back.



Numbered Edition
of 33 Pieces
on 300 gr. cotton paper.
Size cm 42 x 69,5
(Inches 16,53 x 27,35)
Tarot printed
on both sides.
Numbered and
signed on front.
Back tarot card
printed on the back.



Numbered Edition
of 13 Pieces
on 340 gr metallic paper.
Size cm 42 x 69,5
(Inches 16,53 x 27,35)
Tarot printed
on both sides.
Numbered and
signed on front.
Back tarot card
printed on the back.



Il Sole  (The Sun) is the nineteenth Major Arcana card (XIX), a symbol of illumination, success, and pure energy.

In numerology, 19 reduces to 1 (1+9=10, 1+0=1), linking it to new beginnings, leadership, and individuality.
This number carries the essence of the Magician (I), reinforcing the power of manifestation and willpower.

In this striking depiction, the card radiates vitality and transcendence.
A luminous, angelic figure with widespread wings emerges from a volcanic landscape, symbolizing spiritual ascension, enlightenment, and the triumph of light over darkness.
The intricate patterns and vibrant colors suggest cosmic harmony, transformation, and an unbreakable connection to higher consciousness.
Il Sole embodies joy, clarity, and a sense of divine purpose, guiding the seeker toward truth and fulfillment.


Numbered Edition
of 93 Pieces
on 320 GR Ivory paper.
Size cm 42 x 69,5
(Inches 16,53 x 27,35)
Tarot printed
on one side.
Numbered and
signed on front.
on the back.



Numbered Edition
of 33 Pieces
on 300 gr. cotton paper.
Size cm 42 x 69,5
(Inches 16,53 x 27,35)
Tarot printed
on both sides.
Numbered and
signed on front.
Back tarot card
printed on the back.



Numbered Edition
of 13 Pieces
on 340 gr metallic paper.
Size cm 42 x 69,5
(Inches 16,53 x 27,35)
Tarot printed
on both sides.
Numbered and
signed on front.
Back tarot card
printed on the back.



La Luna (The Moon) is the eighteenth Major Arcana card (XVIII), a symbol of mystery, intuition, and the subconscious.

Numerologically, 18 reduces to 9 (1+8=9), linking it to introspection, spiritual wisdom, and the completion of a cycle.
The number 9 resonates with The Hermit (IX), reinforcing the idea of inner exploration and seeking truth beyond illusions.

In this striking depiction, La Luna looms large in the background, casting an ethereal glow over a mysterious feminine figure.
Her half-closed eyes suggest a deep connection to dreams and hidden knowledge.
The scorpion emblem on the golden orb hints at transformation, secrets, and the power of the unseen.
Flowing hair adorned with watchful eyes symbolizes heightened perception, while the swirling mist represents the uncertain, shifting nature of reality.

La Luna card embodies illusions, intuition, and the need to trust one’s inner guidance when the path ahead is unclear.
It invites the seeker to embrace the unknown, decode hidden messages, and navigate the shadows of the subconscious with courage and insight.


Numbered Edition
of 93 Pieces
on 320 GR Ivory paper.
Size cm 42 x 69,5
(Inches 16,53 x 27,35)
Tarot printed
on one side.
Numbered and
signed on front.
on the back.



Numbered Edition
of 33 Pieces
on 300 gr. cotton paper.
Size cm 42 x 69,5
(Inches 16,53 x 27,35)
Tarot printed
on both sides.
Numbered and
signed on front.
Back tarot card
printed on the back.



Numbered Edition
of 13 Pieces
on 340 gr metallic paper.
Size cm 42 x 69,5
(Inches 16,53 x 27,35)
Tarot printed
on both sides.
Numbered and
signed on front.
Back tarot card
printed on the back.


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